Fall 2024 Life Groups

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Life Group Options


  1. Sermon Study (general location: meets in rural area southeast of the church)

    1. Discussion led by Trevor Collins

    2. Will review the sermon

    3. 6:00 pm on Tuesdays at the home of Trevor and Cheri Collins

    4. There will be a time of fellowship and refreshments followed by discussion

          2.       Wallowa Life Group (general location: meets in Wallowa)

    1. Led by Jack and Stacey James, Rollie and Debbie Marshall

    2. Love in Chaos: Good News for a Divided Culture, by Bob Goff

    3. Wednesdays @ 6:00 pm at The Marshalls’ home in Wallowa

    4. Snacks provided

  1. Women’s Bible Study Life Group (general location: meets in Enterprise)

    1. Led by Joyce Himes

    2. In depth study of various books of the Bible.

    3. 6:30 pm on Wednesdays at Joyce’s home in Enterprise

  2. Hymns of Faith (meets at ECC) – topic through Oct. Topic after Oct: TBD.

    1. Long term leaders are Tim and Audry Melville. Due to farming responsibilities, early fall led by David and Joanne McBride

    2. Looking at the message of hymns applied to the current week’s sermon

    3. 6:30 pm, Wednesdays at the church

    4. Snacks and fellowship followed by discussion

  3. Bible Study w/Potluck for those a bit on the "youngish" side (e.g. have school-age children, young career, etc) (gen’l location: meets at various locations in Enterprise and Joseph areas)

    1. Led by Kurt and Heather Melville

    2. Various biblical topics – right now, Ecclesiastes

    3. 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm on Wednesdays at various homes and locations

    4. Children are welcome under parents’ supervision

    5. Potluck Dinner

  4. Fruit of the Spirit Life Group (meets at ECC) - Starts Sept 19th 

    1. Led by Michael Caine

    2. Old Testament storylines, verse by verse, with a special interest in finding Galatians-5 "Fruit of the Spirit" in the characters of the stories.

    3. 7:00PM, Thursdays, at ECC

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